Article: Lies - Written by Tinyang Adenyang


Article: Lies - Written by Tinyang Adenyang

Article: Lies - Written by Tinyang Adenyang


Nobody has lie to you in this world more than you. Every year you said "this year is going to be different" but after some weeks you go back to your comfort zone and normal routine. The new year remain the same like the previous year.

Nothing in this world will change for you if you refuse to change. Until you change, your life will never change. Your problem is, "you are too comfortable with your current position" you just want free food and drinks. If you do not inconvenient yourself you will never grow. Your next 5 years will still look like your previous 5 years.

We have great dreams and good plans but never take the action, we often said we will do it later and that's how we keep pushing till we lost passion and motivation to pursue the dreams and become hopeless. Once you take a step fear disappears. Some of us are waiting for big opportunity to come before we do something, your faithfulness in the little things will bring bigger opportunity for you. It is not the amount of books you read or number of workshops and seminars you attended but what you do with the information you get that distinguish you.

You console yourself with the "Blame Game" you said "it is because the government is bad that's why am suffering, it is because my rich uncles refuse to send me money or because I don't have connections".

Stop lying to yourself and tell yourself the truth, push blames of your life to no one rather than yourself. Many people are ready to help you but because you have refuse to help yourself, they held back their help. 

Stop saying I am too old to get a degree or too young to be responsible. Remember no one is coming to do the work for you.

Written by Tinyang Adenyang 

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