Article: SURVIVE



The situation in the country is not funny, many have lost their jobs including the professionals, some families can't eat, while others trek daily to work to save transport fare for food, cause the prices of goods in the market are terrible. Many have died because they were not able to afford hospital bills, while landlords are on the neck of tenants for rent payment; government reopen schools and many parents have not seen their salaries for months, those that saw theirs was not complete salary. Whenever you sit down to think, you will be busy counting one problem to another with no hope of any good things to come.

You have every reason to give up and end the journey with the current situation in the country and there is this voice inside you that constantly remind you that you're not good enough and nobody want you, it always list out your mistakes for you and you are stock in depression feeling worthless, the smiles people usually see on your face are fake. Deep within you, you know all are not well because what that voice is saying about you is true.

But, friend survive. God is not done with you yet, He never start a thing and live it halfway. I want you to fight, fight for your life, it may look rough but don't give up, it may not be working but don't give up, I know you don't want your story to be told as a person that refuse to continue living and a person who give up.

Say yes to life and keep fighting. 

I know you are not where you ought to be. You don't have what you ought to have but don't let the world remind you of the life you ought to be living, tell it that God's plan for you are of good and not of evil, it may not be working now but it will definitely work.

Do not let your defeat keep you on your seat

Get up on your feet and keep pushing until you succeed.

Keep fighting for your life.

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